Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Decorating a hall

Home Decorating a hall

The receiver is a letter home, the first area that we are crossing gate. Your image is very important for achieving a warm home.

The light and feeling of spaciousness are key when decorating. Takes note of the best ideas for profitable space.

The first thing to keep in mind when decorating the hall is that, apart from being decorative, as a prelude to what the visitor will find in the rest of the house must be functional.

The lobby is the first room we walk to get outside, so it may be the perfect place to store winter clothes, shoes, keys ... There are plenty of furniture designed to meet these functions.

The available space will determine the type of decoration. It should also be borne in mind that its size must be balanced against the rest of the house. If it is too large, it is collected and recreate a cozy lobby, with several furniture arranged so that the wrap. If, however, the house is small, it is best to try to create a spacious feeling, properly combining the colors and lighting and placing little furniture, always stuck to the wall.

When there is the hall itself, but that the entry is made directly to the salon, you can create a small vestibule, to gain privacy by placing a screen or a wardrobe that acts as a separator. If the lobby houses a staircase leading to other floors of the house, it hit the furniture to the sides and keep the central area clear for not blocking the way (we recommend leaving at least 90cm).

Monday, January 31, 2011

Medieval Home Decorations

Medieval Home Decorations

Knight's Edge offers a wide variety of medieval decor items ranging from antique tiles, medieval banners, medieval tapestries to medieval crosses, pewter figurines, desk items and dungeon accessories.

Knights Edge features many items from banners to giant lion door knockers to give your home that extra style. Below is a small sampling of our products, or view our catalog for more decorations and accessories.

Friday, January 21, 2011

American Home Decorations

American Home Decorations collections

Starting a collection is a favorite pastime for many people of all ages. Serious collectors will display their collections and incorporate this as an important element of their home decor. If you decide to start a collection of items for display in your home, think about what would go well with your current decor and how you would like your display to look. Try to estimate how much space you will need and if these items should be enclosed in some sort of glass display case, or if they can handle frequent cleaning, would you prefer to display them on wall shelves, a mantel, desk, hutch or other furniture.

If you like old- fashioned, traditional American folk art, the Jim Shore Heartwood Creek collection is favored by many who like to collect these types of figurines. Jim Shore is a self taught artist from South Carolina. His grandmother was a master quilt maker who inspired Jim with the skill, patience and detail that go in to making hand sewn quilts. Jim started his own collection of quilts and the detailed patterns became his source of inspiration for his beautifully crafted figurines.

While art was always a passion for Jim Shore, he earned a living as an engineer. He sculpted and painted whenever he had the time and eventually founded Designs Americana. His company grew to over 350 employees with more orders than they could fill. Jim decided to partner with Enesco, a leading marketer of gifts, collectibles and home accessories, so that he could focus more on the creative and artistic side of his business. He has also won several national awards from the National Association of Limited Edition Dealers, including Artist Of The Year among others.

Retro Home Decor

Retro Home Decor

The lady of the house, always dreams of transforming the house into a home - a home filled with love. A home full of care. A home that resonates warmth. A home that speaks of art and culture. Retro home decor style will resurface the lost treasures of the past and the golden hues you had always wanted to cherish. Here is your chance to play with colors and home furnishings to reinvent the bygone era of rock and roll, vintage and wine and fond memories and delirious moments. Retro home decor is not determined by any specific time period. On the other hand, retro home decor is your interpretation of the retro.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Modern Furniture Decoration Advice

Modern Furniture Decoration Advice

When you’re first arranging your home or if you decide to change the entire decor in your current house; take a look at some of the modern furniture which is offered at almost all outlets. These pieces are available in both in real life as well as online.

Rather than laying down extensive amounts of money on hiring an interior decorator or other professionals, consider doing some extra research on your own and then plan your own DIY project for decorating your home.

Modern furniture has a definite look and feel. The lines are sleek, the colors are bright and airy, and there is no end to the numbers of furniture combinations you can come up with, using simple mix and match rules.

If you wish to make a compelling statement, examine some of the more daring, futuristic and outlandish designs, which scream “look at me”. However, this does not mean that modern furniture for those whose tastes are more plain and conservative. Basic living room sets as well as kitchen and bedroom sets are offered in these more contemporary forms, and they can be as attention-getting or as neutral as you desire them to be.




Deck Decorations

Deck Decorations
A deck may not technically be a Veranda, but it can, nevertheless, be the perfect gathering spot where memories are made.

The key, however, to great deck entertaining is to have a great deck. Many people don’t believe in decorating their decks but having good seating and some type of a theme can help make your deck the most beloved part of your home.

A favorite theme for a deck is "Outdoor Barbeque." Though not really an official title, a version of "Outdoor Barbeque" encompasses a nice deck, with a classy set of chairs and a table and a grilling area where your husband and his friends can show their talent on the grill. Sharing hamburgers and margaritas with your friends while you wait for the homemade ice cream to finish running - now that is my idea of putting a deck to good use.

On the other hand, a fun theme is great if you have kids. For example, the Beach theme is ever popular for decks. Beach and lounge chairs cover the deck with a table and chairs in the center covered in bright blue and white striped fabric. You can even use ropes, sails, nets, and lifeguard floats to hang from the sides of your fun deck and post flags from different Caribbean or Mediterranean countries on the corners of the deck.

Keeping a chest inside of beach paraphernalia - floats, leis, sunglasses, and even a pirate’s eye patch will keep your children entertained as you try to prepare dinner.




Hot New Trends in Wood Furniture for the Home

Hot New Trends in Wood Furniture for the Home

Wood furniture has long been a staple of home decor for thousands of years. In fact, probably since the beginning of human history. Today's wood furniture can add class and style to any home if implemented the right way. Read below to find out some great new trends in wood furniture that you should be considering for your home.

First, I want to talk about one of the hottest trends in wood furniture right now, multi game tables. These are usually 5- piece table and chair sets that can convert to different games or an elegant dining room set. These sets will convert to a poker table with cupholders, chip trays, and a fancy casino style felt. Take the top off the table and you have yourself a great bumper pool table. Most sets will come with billiard balls and cue sticks also. Put the top back on and you have an elegant, classy dining table that no one would ever expect to have so much fun with. The chairs are usually comfortable, upholstered arm chairs. Check this new wood furniture trend out online.

Second, the other really hot trend in wood furniture right now is home bar furniture. You can buy a pre-built home bar that will integrate seamlessly into any room of your home. You can put it in the finished basement or game room. Most home bars will come with two barstools and some of them will even have an optional wall unit with wine racks and storage compartments. There are great styles and different options to choose from. Check this one out online too!

Lastly, the third trend in wood furniture is home office furniture. New home office furniture sets are being unveiled that offer better organization and usability for the busy home professional. These new designs are focusing on matching existing home decor instead of bringing a work environment into your home. The goal, of course, is to make the home office more of a living space in your home, than a work place. You can get sets that include a desk, office chair, and an organizer for very cheap. Match your existing decor with contemporary or traditional pieces and make you home office a more relaxing, productive environment. The key is to buy home office furniture that is very pleasing to your senses.

